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James Edward Harrigan
Name on Board | JE Harrigan |
Name on Service Records |
James Edward Harrigan |
Enlistment Age | 19 |
Occupation | Clerk |
Place of Birth | Newport, Vic |
Next of Kin | James and Mary Harrigan |
Address | 55 North Road, Newport, Vic |
Marital Status | S |
Enlistment Date | 21/08/1915 |
Service No. | 1078 |
Enlistment Place | Melbourne, Vic |
Embarkation Place | Sydney |
Embarkation Date | 9/11/1915 |
Embarkation Ship | HMAT Beltana A72 |
Unit on Embarkation | 30th Australian Infantry Battalion |
Date of Death | 19/09/1917 |
Unit on Death | 15th Australian Machine Gun Company |
Rank on Death | Private |
Cause of Death | Died of wounds |
Place of Wounding/ Death |
Wounded Menin Road, Ypres. Died 6th Australian Field Ambulance |
Cemetery or Memorial | The Huts Cemetery, Ypres, Flanders, Belgium |

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