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Thomas Brown Orton
Name on Board | TB Orton |
Name on Service Records |
Thomas Brown Orton |
Enlistment Age | 34 |
Occupation | Grocer |
Place of Birth | Bendigo, Vic |
Next of Kin | Mrs May Orton |
Address | Murdoch St, California Gully, Bendigo, Vic |
Marital Status | S |
Enlistment Date | 22/02/1915 |
Service No. | 211 |
Enlistment Place | Melbourne, Vic |
Embarkation Place | Melbourne |
Embarkation Date | 10/05/1915 |
Embarkation Ship | HMAT Euripides A14 |
Unit on Embarkation | 23rd Australian Infantry Battalion |
Date of Death | 16/09/1917 |
Unit on Death | 2nd Australian Division Salvage Company |
Rank on Death | Private |
Cause of Death | Died of Wounds |
Place of Wounding/ Death |
Hell Fire Corner, Ypres, Belgium (exhumed from original grave and reinterred) |
Cemetery or Memorial | The Huts Cemetery, Ypres, Flanders, Belgium |

Additional Information
Red Cross Files note that Thomas Orton was a Grocer in Williamstown.
His will notes that his brother, Charles Craig Orton lives at Yarraville, Vic.
On 16 September 1917, aged 37, he was wounded in an ammunition explosion in a trench at Hell Fire Corner and died in hospital later that day.
Australian War Memorial photo P03483.034 is of the original grave of Private Thomas Orton, taken by his Lieutenant. He was reburied at The Huts Cemetery, Dickebusch, Belgium.
His name appears on the North Williamstown Presbyterian Church (now St Stephens).
Additional References
Australian War Memorial Photo P03483.034
Additional Documents and Photographs
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