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Bertie David Lester Bye
Name on Board | BDL Bye |
Name on Service Records |
Bertie David Lester Bye |
Enlistment Age | 29 |
Occupation | Tanner |
Place of Birth | Richmond, Vic |
Next of Kin | Lavinia Annie Bye |
Address | 546 Melbourne Road, Spotswood, Vic |
Marital Status | M |
Enlistment Date | 30/09/1916 |
Service No. | 31639 |
Enlistment Place | Melbourne, Vic |
Embarkation Place | Melbourne |
Embarkation Date | 23/12/1916 |
Embarkation Ship | RMS Orontes |
Unit on Embarkation | 24 Howitzer Brigade |
Date of Death | 3/03/1918 |
Unit on Death | 13th Australian Field Artillery Brigade |
Rank on Death | Gunner |
Cause of Death | KIA |
Place of Wounding/ Death |
Belgium |
Cemetery or Memorial | La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery, Wallonie, Belgium |

Additional Information
Bert Bye had two daughters: Edna Coree and Alma Jean.
Bert Bye was reported by his mates to be well liked, a good singer and a specialist signaller.
In his Red Cross file it's reported that he was on duty at Red Lodge, near Warneto when he was killed instantly when hit in the head by a Minewerfer.
Minenwerfer ("mine launcher") is the German name for a class of short range mortars used to clear obstacles including bunkers and barbed wire, that longer range artillery would not be able to accurately target.
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