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Charles Newman Coe
Name on Board | CN Coe |
Name on Service Records |
Charles Newman Coe |
Enlistment Age | 20 |
Occupation | Clerk |
Place of Birth | Williamstown, Vic |
Next of Kin | James Coe |
Address | 250 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Vic |
Marital Status | S |
Enlistment Date | 7/07/1915 |
Service No. | 3267 |
Enlistment Place | Melbourne, Vic |
Embarkation Place | Melbourne |
Embarkation Date | 11/10/1915 |
Embarkation Ship | HMAT Nestor A71 |
Unit on Embarkation | 14th Australian Infantry Battalion |
Date of Death | 14/08/1916 |
Unit on Death | 14th Australian Infantry Battalion |
Rank on Death | Private |
Cause of Death | Died of Wounds |
Place of Wounding/ Death |
Pozieres, France |
Cemetery or Memorial | Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery Extension, Warloy-Baillon, Picardie, France |

Additional Information
Prior to enlistment Charles Coe was cashier for J B Morton Pty Ltd. The company contacted his family on notification of his death to say they were closing their doors for the day out of respect to his memory.
Captain Stewart Murray Hansen (also on the Williamstown Town Hall Honour Board) wrote: 'One of my bravest and most faithful despatch runners, Charlie Coe, after risking the dangers of seven severe days' fighting, ... was mortally wounded a few yards from me, on the way out of the trenches for a rest. He died two days afterwards, but not before he was recommended for distinguished conduct'.
Cousins: F Holten (2940) KIA and C E Williams (2442) Died of wounds
Additional References
Williamstown Chronicle, Saturday 23 September 1916, p3; 14 October 1916, p2
Additional Documents and Photographs
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